Languages | |||||
Auto |
2.7.1-5 Vectors |
Eratosthenes (oefening) |
Vermoeden van Collatz (oefening) |
Basisfuncties |
File handling exceptions |
H5 Beslissingen - BMI calculator melding overgewicht of normaal gewicht |
Boolean expressions |
Colorize |
Bootstrap 2 |
H8 arrays - Testen - tellen in arrays |
Euclidean algorithm |
Encode |
Woordslang |
Exercise 4.1 |
H6 Herhalingen - Opwarmer 5 |
H5 Beslissingen - Romeinse cijfers |
Cox Proportional Hazards Models 2 |
ROC Curves |
The False Discovery Rate 1 |
Sylvester rij |
First order equation |
Ex. 4 - Exponential Growth on Hydro Culture |
Quadratic Discriminant Analysis 2 |
2.13.2 Vector Sum |
Chapter 8 exercise 11 |
Fibonacci numbers version 2 |
Birdwatching |
Eindcijferfunctie |
Simple Linear Regression 1 |