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# Benodigde bibliotheken library('jsonlite') library('httr') # Importeert de data van Stad Gent en vormt om res <- GET("https://data.stad.gent/api/explore/v2.1/catalog/datasets/sluikstort-meldingen-gent-2023/records?select=2023%20as%20jaar%2C%20count(*)%20as%20aantal&group_by=date_format(gemaakt_op%2C%20%27E%27)%20as%20dag%2C%20date_format(gemaakt_op%2C%20%27e%27)%20as%20weekday&order_by=weekday") data <- fromJSON(rawToChar(res$content))$results data$weekday <- NULL # Beantwoord hieronder de vragen
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