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# Benodigde bibliotheken library('jsonlite') library('httr') # Data ophalen van Elia kleuren <- c("Biofuels" = "#3366BB", "Other Fossil Fuels" = "#AA3366", "Other Fuel" = "#BB4466", "Natural Gas" = "#EEDD00", "Nuclear" = "#0099CC", "Solar" = "#EEDD00", "Water" = "#22CCBB", "Wind Offshore" = "#55BB55", "Other" = "#cccccc", "Wind Onshore" = "#99DD55") res <- GET("https://opendata.elia.be/api/explore/v2.1/catalog/datasets/ods177/records?select=sum(generatedpower)%20as%20power&where=datetime%20%3E%20now(days%3D-7%2C%20hour%3D0%2C%20minute%3D0)%20and%20datetime%20%3C%20now(days%3D-1%2Chour%3D23%2Cminute%3D59)%20and%20generatedpower%20%3E0&group_by=date_format(datetime%2C%20%27YYYY%2FMM%2Fdd%27)%20as%20date%2C%20fueltypepublication%20as%20fuel&order_by=date%20DESC") data <- fromJSON(rawToChar(res$content))$results data <- data[order(data$power, decreasing = TRUE), ] row.names(data) <- NULL data$color <- kleuren[data$fuel] # Beantwoord hieronder de vragen
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