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Tetris fitsTetromino
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import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.Pure.Game
import Graphics.Gloss.Data.Color
import Data.List
type Direction = (Int,Int)
data Tetromino = Tetromino Int (Int,Int) Color [Block]
deriving (Eq,Show)
data Block = Block (Int,Int)
deriving (Eq,Show)
data Board = Board [Block]
deriving (Eq,Show)
width :: Float
width = 10
height :: Float
height = 20
move :: Direction -> Block -> Block
move (x,y) (Block (p,q)) = (Block (x+p,y+q))
freeBlock :: Board -> Block -> Bool
freeBlock (Board l) b = not (b `elem` l)
onBoard :: Block -> Bool
onBoard (Block (x,y)) = and [(x>=0), (x < round width), (y>=0), (y< round height)]
-- Check if a Tetromino fits in the board
-- This means that if you move all the blocks of the tetromino to their position
-- then:
-- 1) The position of all the moved blocks in the Tetromino are free
-- 2) All the positions of the moved blocks are within the boundaries
-- Lookup "all" and "and"
-- (* Difficulty 2 *)
fitsTetromino :: Tetromino -> Board -> Bool
fitsTetromino (Tetromino s p c blocks) board = undefined
-- hint :: where aBlocks = (move p) <$> blocks
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