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Matrix Completion 2
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X <- data.matrix(scale(USArrests))
nomit <- 20
ina <- sample(seq(50), nomit)
inb <- sample(1:4, nomit, replace = TRUE)
Xna <- X
index.na <- cbind(ina, inb)
Xna[index.na] <- NA
fit.svd <- function(X, M = 1) {
svdob <- svd(X)
u[, 1:M, drop = FALSE] %*%
(d[1:M] * t(v[, 1:M, drop = FALSE]))
Xhat <- Xna
xbar <- colMeans(Xna, na.rm = TRUE)
Xhat[index.na] <- xbar[inb]
thresh <- 1e-7
rel_err <- 1
iter <- 0
ismiss <- is.na(Xna)
mssold <- mean((scale(Xna, xbar, FALSE)[!ismiss])^2)
mss0 <- mean(Xna[!ismiss]^2)
while(rel_err > thresh) {
iter <- iter + 1
# Step 2(a)
# Step 2(b)
# Step 2(c)
cat("Iter:", iter, "MSS:", mss, "Rel. Err:", rel_err, "\n")
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